Silverlining offers an overview, from the author’s perspective, of what to expect while working through the death of someone or something significant. Having lost his wife and teenage daughter in a car wreck, this book extends counsel, guidance, hope and comfort to those who are grieving. Following the analogy of a storm, Dr. Willets navigates the reader through the journey of trauma, disorientation, adjusting and rebuilding during the grieving process.
$12.95 (includes tax and shipping)

SILVERLINING: Discussion Guide
The companion to Silverlining is designed to lead a small group in discussion of the book. The Guide starts with an opportunity for the group to share their unique stories of loss. Throughout the Guide questions are asked to help participants identify the emotions they are feeling. Extensive notes are offered, when purchasing the Small Group Collection, to fully utilize the potential of the Guide by anyone who is facilitating a small group.
$12.95 (includes tax and shipping)

This tool in the Silverlining library contains six separate videos on one DVD. Each video carefully follows the content of the book and discussion guide for maximum focus on the topic. The video, along with the book, can stand alone in its use. However, the video is best when used at the beginning of each small group workshop session.
$49.95 (including tax and shipping

SILVERLINING: Small Group Collection
Designed for small groups of no more than 10, The Small Group Collection includes 1 DVD from the Video Series, 10 Silverlining books, 10 Silverlining discussion guides and chapter notes for the small group facilitator. Dr. Willets will personally be available for consultation to the small group facilitator by phone or text from 9:00am – 4:00pm CST Monday – Friday.
$299 (including tax and shipping)